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Prepare for fight in new Season 20 Final part!

Updates V0.1 and Changes

Hello, thank you for choosing to play in Mu-kaimas; we are truly grateful to you.

After a successful launch, we noticed a few issues and necessary adjustments in the configuration, so we immediately got to work and implemented the following updates:
[FIX] Brought support of login queue what resolves DC issue when selecting a full server 
[FIX] Random players could be disconnected being incorrectly determined as offline leveling  players
[FIX] Players could be disconnected by abuse of one of in-game system
[FIX] Game server crash caused by hunting point plugin 
[FIX] Certain Dark Lord's pets were incorrectly set with skill upon creation
[FIX] Two Skills were incorrectly affected by damage reduction option of various events
[FIX] Blocked ability to use /ware command while other UI is opened
[FIX] The auto-stat command could not be activated when first argument (stat) was set to 0 (%)
[FIX] Last Man Standing NPC did not accept registration to the event after first event run
[FIX] Blocked ability to login within LMS room, characters will be moved to Lorencia
[FIX] Resolved possible abuse with use of Miracle Shop Box system
[FIX] Ignore Enemy's Defense Probability option of ability cards did not apply correct value
[FIX] Crown Force buff effect did not work properly when applied multiple times
[FIX] Illusion Knight's Avatar and Dark Spirits auto-attacked the Unleash Marvel when spawned
[FIX] Dark Side skill attack count differs depending on mode the skills was used: Target/AOE
[FIX] Fixed possible SQL State errors
[FIX] Game client could get hanged when waiting in login queue for more than 1.5h
[FIX] MaxPlayerPerRoom setting from DevilSquare_Classic did not work
[FIX] Corrected default configuration of MaxPlayerPerRoom setting in DevilSquare_Classic 
[FIX] Connection to Market Game Server could become blocked in rare scenario
[FIX] Game Server crash
[NEW] Added additional spots in Lorencia, Noria, Atlans I-III, Losttower I-VII, Tarkan I-II, Icarus, Kanturu, Kanturu ruins, Karutan I.
[NEW] Increased zen drop from all monsters.
[NEW] Changed Level system now after reset doesn't count masterlevel like +level.
[FIX] Decrease muun ruud box drops.
[FIX] Fix party experience rate. (Can be some changes in experience system).

Also because of new IGCN files we have to change our server Reset/GrandReset system because they doesn't have GrandReset system and we did new configs which will work like Grand Reset system but with MReset. This will be unique Reset system with functionalaty for long term gameplay:

Custom Reset system without Grand Reset

Reset 0-49 Experience: 100x
Reward each reset 10 wcoins, 50 gpoints;
Stat points 500 * reset count;

MReset 50 Experience: 50x
Reward 2500 wcoins, 50000 ruud;
Stat points 500 * reset count;

Reset 51-99 Experience: 50x
Reward each reset 10 wcoins, 50 gpoints;
Stat points 500 * reset count;

MReset 100 Experience: 40x
Reward 2500 wcoins, 50000 ruud
Stat points 500 * reset count;

Reset 100-149 Experience: 40x
Reward each reset 10 wcoins, 50 gpoints;
Stat points 250 * reset count;

MReset 150 Experience: 40x
Reward 2500 wcoins, 50000 ruud
Stat points 250 * reset count;

Reset 151-199 Experience: 40x
Reward each reset 10 wcoins, 50 gpoints;
Stat points 250 * reset count;

MReset 200 Experience: 40x
Reward 2500 wcoins, 50000 ruud
Stat points 250 * reset count;

Reset 201-249 Experience: 35x
Reward each reset 10 wcoins, 50 gpoints;
Stat points 250 * reset count;

MReset 250 Experience: 35x
Reward 2500 wcoins, 50000 ruud
Stat points 250 * reset count;

Posted 17-11-2024
Currently this is only one server.